Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-06-02

The Chief Minister has announced that he will be reviewing the land use objectives for the central Darwin area, which includes Stuart Park. I ask the minister why haven’t local residents, specifically in Stuart Park, been consulted to date in this process, and when will they be given the opportunity to be involved?


A very good question. The land use objectives and all of our planning is a dynamic thing and its always been …

Mr Bailey: You never know from one day to the other which way the government’s …

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: That’s why we have a planning department

Mr Bailey: So the Chief Minister can override it.

Mr BALDWIN: I’ll pick up on the interjection by the member for Wanguri. If the Leader of the Opposition had sought a briefing from me, and the invitation’s still there for a planning briefing anytime you like so you can catch up on what’s going on, one of the things we would have shown you, which is out there for the public, is the 1996 Central Darwin Planning Concepts and Development Opportunities booklet. Do you have one of these?

Ms Martin: I was part of the process.

Mr BALDWIN: Well then you should know. The Leader for the Opposition …

Mr Manzie: …is deliberately misleading people.

Ms Martin: I want to know

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: The Leader of the Opposition should know that these concepts are in precincts on the peninsular of Darwin. They are under review. They are set out in this document for all to see. There is nothing to hide.

As to the mention of the Stuart Park residential group, the Stuart Park Residential Group has in fact been …

Ms Martin: The Stuart Park residents!

Mr BALDWIN: They have been - one of the organisations that represent the Stuart Park residents has been to meet with me and I’ve met with the people from Parap, as I’ve met with other groups including representatives from PLAN and all community groups involved with planning issues.

Ms Martin: When will they be consulted about the Chief Minister’s refusal?

Mr BALDWIN: My door is open. The only one who doesn’t want to come through the door is the Leader of the Opposition. I have asked her many a time.

Ms Martin: You’re a waste of space, Tim.

Mr BALDWIN: I’ve invited her many times to come and get a briefing. Bring herself up to speed on planning issues so that she doesn’t have to walk the mis-information out there to Territorians on what is happening with planning.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016