Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-08-10

The Government Communications Office is reported to have said that the results of government polling in the Northern Territory, paid for by the taxpayer, will be used to promote the Northern Territory. I ask the Chief Minister just how can the answer to a question about whether or not people perceive the Northern Territory government as standing up to the federal government can be used to market the Northern Territory? Given that the taxpayer paid for this polling, will the Chief Minister table the results so that all Territorians can benefit from these findings? And if he will not table these findings, paid for by the taxpayer, why not?


Mr Speaker, I can only sympathise with the opposition who, through the last few days of Question Time, have looked to invent issues that they can run. With regard to the polling that is being conducted by the department of the Chief Minister, without any interference or effort on my part, it is a legitimate effort of government to conduct market research - done by all other governments throughout Australia – with the aim of positioning the Northern Territory against competitors throughout Australia, jurisdictions who compete directly with us.

The market research will be conducted over a 12-month period. I imagine the most part of that research would be the subject of confidentiality provisions because there is no way in the world this government will be releasing to competitors where our strengths and weaknesses are in the particular marketplace we are in. At the end of the 12-month period that research will be given to me and in due course I will make a decision as to whether or not it will be public knowledge.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016