Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 2000-08-15

The Alice Springs alcohol survey reports that in one year the town chalked up $24m and nearly 7 million litres of alcohol sales, 2999 arrests involving alcohol, 4400 protective custodies, 6900 admissions to the sobering-up shelter and 1341 accident and emergency admissions relating to alcohol use, 442 of which resulted from assaults. Interviews with over 400 households and 27 focus groups have backed up the very clear message from many town meetings in Alice Springs. People want action and they want it now. Will the minister come to a community meeting in Alice Springs and tell us why he thinks action is not needed?


Mr Speaker, this is a somewhat strange question by a member from Alice Springs. Last week in this House, the Chief Minister talked of this issue. We know that later on today the opposition have an MPI on this issue. They are calling on the government for a prompt response. I put on the record a question to the member for Stuart. Does he support all the recommendations in that report?

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Mr Speaker! If the minister asks the member for Stuart a question, can he get up and answer?

Mr SPEAKER: No. I ask the minister to refrain from asking questions of members across the floor in answering his question. Please answer the question directly.

Mr BALDWIN: I believe that I got a nod from the member opposite reflecting that yes, he does support all of the recommendations in that report. I hope he goes and tells the Alice Springs community about that, because some of those recommendations the community would never wear.

Some of the language in that report is very provocative. One of the recommendations is talking not only about an alcohol-free Sunday but also a ‘thirsty Thursday’. Will the community support that?

There needs to be whole-of-community participation to make sure the outcomes that are derived, any restrictions or any strategy in Alice Springs regarding alcohol, are in consultation with all of the major stakeholders, and that includes the council. The council was a major player in commissioning this report. The council have not, according to Fran Erlich, the Mayor of Alice Springs, in an interview recently, come to conclusions on their position on this report.

It needs a whole-of-government response. There is no doubt about that. The Chief Minister last week told us that the Centralian minister will have carriage of that. You have brought on an MPI about this this afternoon. We will discuss it then. But you should go and tell the people of Alice Springs that you support every recommendation in that report.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016