Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-06-06

On 23 February this year, you signed off on the Land Use Objectives for Rapid Creek, and you stated in the House the next day, ‘The Land Use Objectives and the new zonings will now put beyond doubt what the land can be used for, and these changes have been strongly endorsed by local residents’. The minister went on further to say: ‘The new zoning plan includes an O3 open conservation zone for 50 metres either side of Rapid Creek’.

In an extraordinary back-flip, the minister allowed what he described as ‘a significant variation’, they were his own words, to those land use objectives which cuts back this open space conservation corridor from 100 metres to 60 metres. Why don’t you use your powers under the act and honour your promise to the residents of Darwin to establish that 100 metre corridor.


Mr Speaker, I think the shadow spokesperson for lands on the other side of the House should come and get a briefing on this whole issue. Members on this side of the House, including the member for Jingili and the member for Millner, have been very active in this whole issue of the conservation corridor on the Rapid Creek ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: They ask a question and then they don’t want to listen to the answer.

They have been very active in making sure that this corridor, public access and conservation zone has been consolidated and that it has worked out for the best for all parties, for the community, for the landholders in that area, that will allow them some flexibility. I will table, for your interest, a newsletter from the member for Millner who has described in there the great result that has been achieved.

What this information is, the misinformation that the Leader of the Opposition likes to put around on this issue, without having a briefing I might add, without coming and talking to me. I don’t think she has talked to the Chairman of the DCA at all. However, what the LUO has gained the provision for, right from the beginning, was that there would be a 100 metre conservation corridor through the Rapid Creek area. Now, if the people who have adjoining blocks to that corridor wish to subdivide, then they would be allowed to subdivide on the condition that any subdivision proposal and the land that they own that went into the 30 m public corridor - we have 30 m from the centre line each side of the creek ...

Ms Martin: No, no. You said 100 m.

Mr BALDWIN: Could I explain this? We have a public access corridor that is 60 m wide; 30 m from each side of the centre line of the creek. We have a conservation corridor that is a total of 100 m. That is 50 m each side of the creek. It is an O3 Conservation Zone, O3 meaning that you can do very limited things in that zoning. That O3 impacts on privately owned land on both sides of the creek. The public access will be 30 m from the centre line and where that impacts on somebody’s private land, if that person wishes to subdivide, one of the conditions is that they will give up that land that is 30 m from the centre line impacting on their boundary. That is what has occurred.

One of the subdividers has chosen to give up more land and that is great thing. So there is a conservation zone there that is 100 m wide, 50 m from each side of the centre line. There is a public access corridor that is 30 m; 60 m in total, 30 m from each side of the centre line. I table a map for the Opposition Leader’s reference in the future. I know she will not understand it. This so-called shadow spokesperson is a shadow. I have never seen her ask for a briefing on this issue at all. I table that for her benefit.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016