Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-02-16

I refer the Chief Minister to the NT News of a week and a half ago, Saturday, and let’s talk about unashamedly interventionist when it comes to government. The land development debacle at Myilly Point has left local developers and the community bewildered once again by the arrogance and the incompetence, of the Country Liberal Party.

I ask the Chief Minister: Do you stand by the Country Liberal Party’s handling of this development?


Mr Speaker, not only do I stand by it, I am proud of it. And I think Territorians will be proud of it. I have been personally involved, and for that I am proud, also, in gaining the interest of one of the top health care/aged care providers in Australia, the Moran Group, a highly respected public company who are one of the developers who have had approval in concept. Remember, all these things have to go through the Planning Authority. I am particularly proud of that development, and I can tell you, when you go out there and say it is only an aged care facility for the rich, check your facts, talk to the health minister ...

Ms Martin: Who said that? You’re just making that up.

Mr BURKE: Well, check your facts.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Ms Martin: I thought you’d be ...

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: If you didn’t say it, some of your friends did because that has been quoted in the media. I can tell you that that particular development, a first class development, will cater for a wide range of Territorians. I am already working with the Commonwealth to gain concessional beds for that facility. We have gained an extra 22 concessional beds and an increase on the next year’s allowance from the Commonwealth - I am hoping to transfer to the Health Minister, because I can’t help referring to my old portfolio. The health minister is hoping to refer in the order of 50 of those concessional beds into that new facility at Myilly Point so that it caters for a whole range of needs for aged Territorians. I can confidently say that it is one development that Territorians have been crying out for, and equally we shouldn’t forget ..

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Mr Speaker! I very specifically asked the Chief Minister a question about the handling of that development. He is ignoring that aspect of it. It is the process of that development.

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order. The Chief Minister has the capacity to answer the question in the way that he chooses, and I believe that he is giving information that is entirely valuable to the community.

Mr BURKE: It is absolutely pertinent, Mr Speaker, because I am explaining why I am proud of the development. As I said, we shouldn’t forget the complete redevelopment of Chan Park for which money has already been put aside so that that particular development will also go ahead in the very near future. In terms of the developments that have been approved in principle, that has been explained very clearly in the media by the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment.

The Brunei property development, the residential development by the Brunei property group and Hannon, was approved. The other 3 lots that were also put up, the old hospital site, there were no expressions of interest that were accepted. The Old Flag Staff House site, there was general approval for the Paspaley concept, but much more talking about the details are needed there. The low site near the Casino, at the time that article was written one of the proponents was favoured, but that proponent, I understand, has since dropped out of the process.

We should not forget, I think it was in today’s NT News or yesterdays, a reference from my colleague, the member for Sanderson, where talk of the development of Myilly Point has been going on for more than 10 years. I think it has been CLP policy since 1983 and we have been careful in selecting the way that development will occur, and I am very proud of the designs and concepts that have been accepted to date. Bear in mind this all has still to go through the planning approval process.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016