Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1998-11-25

We are all aware of the enormous potential of the oil and gas province to our north, and several of us have been briefed by Woodside, regarding the scale and logistics of bringing gas on-shore to a LNG plant. We have spoken in this House about the benefits it would bring to the Northern Territory community. Can the minister confirm that Shell-Woodside has lodged a notice of intent to build a LNG plant?


Madam Speaker, I certainly can. I am delighted to announce that on 22 October 1998, Woodside Energy Ltd, on behalf of itself and Shell, lodged a notice of intent with the Department of Mines and Energy for the proposed North Australian Gas Venture Project. This $10 000m proposal includes an LNG plant and a domestic gas processing facility on the Gunn Point Peninsula, probably at Glyde Point, supplied by gas from the greater Sunrise and Evans Shoal field.

Woodside’s project, like the other natural gas project under consideration by Phillips, will have a very positive local socioeconomic effect, in particular in the creation of employment opportunities. It is estimated by Woodside that their proposal amounts to a temporary workforce of up to 4000 employees during the construction phase and up to 200 permanent staff once the project is up and running. Studies for the Phillips project show a demand for about 1000 workers in peak periods during construction, and some 75 to 100 staff as a permanent operational workforce.

The information supplied by Woodside in its notice of intent, clearly identifies the potential impact on the environment. The significance of individual impacts cannot, as yet, be adequately assessed. However, collectively, they are considered significant.

Consequently, I have recommended recently to Senator the Hon Nick Minchin, federal Minister for Industry, Science and Resources that, pursuant to the administrative procedures under the Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposal) Act 1974, Woodside Energy Ltd be designated as a proponent of an environmentally significant action.

However, it is expected that these impacts will be minimised and residual risks managed, provided that the recommended environmental impact study is satisfactorily completed.

The lodgment of this environmental notice of intent does not itself mean that the project will definitely go ahead. There are still a number of studies to be completed, and commercial decisions to be made. But it does further justify this government’s optimism with regard to offshore oil and gas exploration and development in the Northern Territory.

Members: Hear, hear!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016