Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 1999-10-13

My question relates again to the government’s failure to handle youth crime. This morning on radio Robbie Fletcher from the SHAK, a youth drop-in centre in the northern suburbs, said: ‘We’ve never really encountered the anger and angst that some kids have. Honestly, it’s the worst I’ve seen’. Can the minister confirm a departmental leak that the SHAK has had its funding cut by $31 000 over the last 2 years? Can he explain why he has cut the funding to this service and what effect these cuts are having?


Mr Speaker, I’m not aware in detail of those cuts, but I’ll certainly check and advise the House.

Let me just say this. The Northern Territory government, as I said yesterday, spends millions of dollars in assisting sport. We do this not only for the lifestyle of Territorians, but for the fundamental improvement of social and cultural values, in that if you give young fellows and young people generally a healthy outlet for their energies, they are a lot less likely to get up to mischief after hours. This government spends an awful lot of money to that end, and it is very effective. And while I grant you ...

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr LUGG: Look, you can bleat about this, but if you just shut up you will get the answer.

Any government makes investments for the greater good of society in this area, but there is never enough. We would like to do more. We try and do it on the basis of equity across the Territory. We are very generous in funding sport per capita, more so than any other jurisdiction in this country.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016