Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1997-11-27

Is it a fact that his use of the ranks of military personnel in his direct mail campaign breached the Commonwealth Privacy Act? Is it a fact that,

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during the election campaign, he claimed that he obtained those names from mates, and that was an untruth proven by Defence Department inquiry and announced by his own conservative colleague, the federal Minister for Defence? Shouldn't someone who assumes the title of QC tell the truth, know the law and, above all else, have the decency to apologise to military personnel for breaching their privacy?


Oh dear! Madam Speaker, I assembled the military ranks from a number of sources.

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr STONE: Are you interested in the answer or not?

Most of the information I assembled came from supporters and friends on the base, and was subsequently cross-referenced by others. I make no apology for writing to people and acknowledging their rank. I make no apology for extending to people the courtesy of their title - whether it be Dr, Mr, Ms, Mrs, Colonel, Corporal, Sergeant or whatever.

What I found interesting in of all of this is that it was not me who breached the Privacy Act. I made no statement that breached the Privacy Act. One complainant went to the member for Wanguri and said that he was unhappy about it. He claimed it was that member. Perhaps he confused him with the other member opposite. It would not be hard. They are both mad. What they completely ignore in all of this is that the majority were very pleased to receive the letters. I quote from an AAP report of comments by the Minister for Defence, Hon Ian McLachlan:

There was absolutely no impropriety in the provision of the information requested. It would have been made available
to any candidate for Port Darwin who had provided an electoral roll or list of names and requested ranks and titles.

Once again, the member has come into this Chamber, waving the newspaper around. Have you found the syllabus yet, Syd? It is like the member for Wanguri. He has interjected that 10-year-olds have been locked up. Isn't he familiar with section 48 of the Criminal Code?

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: It is not possible. It cannot happen. The reality is that, unless it can be demonstrated that the child had formed a criminal intent, it does not happen. We have had 3 examples this morning of half-truths and misinformation from the opposition. Labor cannot be believed because Labor lies.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016