Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2000-02-24

Last night in the adjournment debate the member for Fannie Bay, in commenting on the land use objective process, complained that the process was extraordinarily slow. She also said that it was absolutely critical that a comprehensive process be put in place for discussions. For the last couple of years my colleague, the member for Millner, and I, have been working on the Rapid Creek LUOs. Rapid Creek forms one of the significant boundaries between our electorates and we have a keen interest on behalf of our constituents to ensure the important community asset is strongly managed. Can you advise this House on the process of these land use objectives, and what is the status of the LUOs to be declared over this area?


Mr Speaker,I thank the member for his very timely question. Rapid Creek, as Territorians would know, is the only fresh water creek that runs through the urban areas of Darwin and therefore it is a very sensitive environment and one that is very important to Darwinites in particular. The process has been a lengthy one and that is because this government always, and will always, consult with the public on matters of planning, particularly in matters of land use objectives, which are the underlying important policy directions that this government will set in conjunction with the community for ongoing development. In May of 1998, the government announced that they would prepare LUOs for the Rapid Creek area and last October I advised this House that those draft land use objectives were to be released for public comment and outlined the consultation process that was to be used.

Those processes have now been completed and yesterday I declared, by signing off, the land use objectives for the area in Rapid Creek between McMillans Road and Trower Road. I also approved the recommendation that came forward from the Planning Authority to change the Darwin Town Plan to reflect those land use objectives.

Under the existing zoning there have been a number of proposals to subdivide rural blocks in that area which abut onto Rapid Creek, and that was of greater concern, I know, to the local MLAs and also to residents in the area. The LUOs and the new zonings will now put beyond doubt what the land can be used for, and these changes have been strongly endorsed by local residents, and certainly the Jingili and Millner Residents Action Group, and also PLAN. I take this opportunity to place on the public record the great work that has been done on this issue by the member for Millner and the member for Jingili, who have been instrumental in canvassing the community and arranging for that process of consultation to be undertaken.

The new zoning plan includes an O3 open space conservation zone for 50 metres either side of Rapid Creek, the centre line of that creek, as well as encompassing all of the mangrove forest at the Trower Road end of the creek. The new zoning also restricts the subdivision of land to no less than one hectare to prevent extensive subdivision along the creek, and certainly there can be no development within the O3 zone or within the 1 in 100 flood level. The public consultation process included the display of the draft LUOs at all locations, public meetings organised by the local members and certainly meetings with Rapid Creek Catchment Advisory Group, and also letter box drops by local members, right around the community, which I think is a great idea. Their role has been a very important one in this whole process, unlike those opposite who seem to not proactively consult with the community, but rather go out there and try and entice some negativity to anything that’s going on.

The LUOs have been well received by the community. I table for members’ interest a sign that was erected in the area by the Jingili and Millner Residents Action Group and basically what it says is: ‘Fantastic, fabulous, great, yes, your creek will be maintained and protected’. So, commenting on a great process by this government of community consultation with a great outcome after - yes, it was a long period, but it was a period of consultation and active local member participation as well. I congratulate all those involved and declare that the LUOs have been signed off for that area.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016