Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-02-21

Your conservative ally in Queensland, Rob Borbidge has warned against flirting with the ugly extremes of Australian politics following the decimation of the National Party in Saturday’s Queensland election. Your party president, Suzanne Cavanagh has expressed the view on radio this week that you will basically do anything to hang on to power. CLP polling conducted on the weekend by Mark Textor’s company was seeking Territorians’ views on One Nation. If you are opposed to racism as a matter of principle, why then is your pollster testing the waters over One Nation? Do you share Mrs Cavanagh’s views, or will you concede that the extremist views of One Nation cause alarm and hurt to many Territorians, and to our Asian neighbours and trading partners?

Chief Minister, will you now rule out once and for all a preference deal with One Nation?


Mr Speaker, the ugly extreme of Australian politics that is demonstrated to me every day is the hypocrisy of the Labor Party, not only in the Northern Territory, but federally. If you ask me what I will do with my card, I say put Labor last, do not do anything else except put Labor last. And I will tell you what I also say about voters, whether they are in the Northern Territory or anywhere in Australia: Every person who votes is entitled to their own opinion. I do not believe in dictating to anyone in Australia because I believe every one has the right to express their own opinion, has a right to be heard on the things that concern them, and has a right to be listened to in a civil way, and that includes the Greens, the Democrats and any other protest party that is around in Australia.

The worst thing you can do is tell any Australian that they are dull, they are simple-minded. If you want my position, there is only one aim of this government and it is to make sure that the Labor Party never gets the reins of control in the Northern Territory, because that will be the end of jobs and prosperity and optimism in the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016