Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 1999-02-23

For some months I have been pursuing the fire trailers for the Ilparpa Road area in Alice Springs and ...

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr ELFERINK: I will continue with my question. For sometime I have been pursuing the fire trailer and ...

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr ELFERINK: ... I would like to know from the minister - you know all about videos, Syd. Where’s the video from your little grubby allegations? Where is your video?

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Member for MacDonnell, will you ask your question?

Mr ELFERINK: Yes, thank you Mr Speaker. After a fire over the weekend on Sunday morning, I would like to know where that fire trailer is and when we can expect it to be operational.

Members interjecting.


Mr Speaker, this is a very sad reflection on what is said to be the alternative government in the Northern Territory. We can be grateful that, at least, they are demonstrating to Territorians listening to this broadcast just how incapable they are of forming a government if you behave like that, and you can’t take matters as serious as those raised by the member for MacDonnell who is trying to help his constituents. I point out that you had the member for MacDonnell for 13 years before the current member took his place, and he achieved nothing on behalf of the constituents in MacDonnell. The current member has at least taken up a range of issues on behalf of his constituents and, in this case, he has been successful.

I can advise that the member for MacDonnell will be handing over a fire trailer to the Ilparpa community this coming weekend, I believe. He will no doubt be conveying to his constituents the mirth with which the Labor Party received the information in relation to what is, to constituents, a very important issue. I understand that there is a resident in the area who will house the trailer, who will provide a water point for it to be filled from, and that there is a group of residents in that particular locality who will ...

Mr Bailey: Is it going to be locked up so the member cannot chase it around?

Mr REED: You are pathetic.

So, the honourable member can convey that information. The trailer was constructed in Darwin at the workshops at Berrimah and the hard-working staff there put a lot of effort into it. It is now in Alice Springs. It is a pity that Labor members opposite do not appreciate the effort that hard-working members of the Fire and Rescue Service put in to providing very good services for Territorians and do not recognise the effort that the member for MacDonnell has put in on behalf of his constituents, an effort which was very much lacking when they had a Labor member in MacDonnell.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016