Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-08-11

Six months ago, the former Chief Minister, Shane Stone, said he would dedicate himself to representing his electorate. Will the Chief Minister explain to the House why since that time the national president of the Liberal Party and part-time member for Port Darwin has hardly been seen in his electorate, has not bothered to represent the Territory Liberal Party or his electorate at any parliamentary committee meetings, has contributed to parliamentary debate just four times, and has asked just three questions without notice? When will the Chief Minister take control of his Liberal Party branches and give the voters of Port Darwin an opportunity to elect a real and serious representative?


Mr Speaker,I imagine if any member on this side of the House spent more than one day in their electorate they’d be performing better than some of the members opposite. The member for Port Darwin’s efforts in his own electorate, are up to him and his electorate. If he wants to take the opportunity to make any sort of explanation, I leave that to him. But I’m sure it’s not necessary.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016