Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1998-08-12

In light of overnight comments by the Democrats and the Greens on yesterday’s historic announcement that the Northern Territory will become the seventh state of Australia, does the Acting Chief Minister believe the Senate will block federal legislation which will deliver statehood to Territorians?


Madam Speaker, sadly the position in relation to Senate representation seems to be that Democrat Senator Allison is opposed to additional Senate representation for Territorians. I think that is cause for great sadness. From the fact that she is prepared to proceed down this path and, not only that, but that she should request that Territorians be allowed the option of proportional representation in the new state parliament thereby interfering in the way that the Territory should be run, makes clear what we might expect from the Democrats if they ever got into government. However, I think there is little chance of that.

As far as the Greens’ comments are concerned, unfortunately the Territory Greens seem to have taken the Beazley line. Territorians may have statehood provided the Greens are in government. Sadly, that was the line that the federal Leader of the Opposition took last week in his comments about Territory statehood.

What is important here is the comment by the Labor candidate for the Northern Territory for the forthcoming federal election on ABC radio this morning. It is interesting to note that he made the point that the Territory will not achieve statehood without the support of the minor parties. That suggests to me that there is a question over his support for statehood for the Northern Territory. The comment made by the aspiring candidate was: ‘It will have to be a bill which is passed by the federal parliament and that will require bipartisan support and the support of the minor parties’.

An incredible welcome was provided here yesterday, when the galleries were filled by Territorians who took the opportunity to come here to witness the historic event and hear of the commitment made by the Prime Minister, together with the Chief Minister yesterday in Canberra, that the Territory would achieve statehood in January 2001. That was the major lead item on news bulletins across the Northern Territory and across the country last night. It was featured at length on the 7.30 Report and it was welcomed everywhere. It was interesting to note that it was reported on the ABC news bulletin at 7.30 am today that the news was welcomed by everyone. It has provided a great opportunity for Territorians to advance their cause and the Labor Party were the party spoilers. Its members were the only people who grizzled yesterday and who could find a negative in all of the comments that were made by Minister Somlyay, the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister and members on this side of the House. Old Grizzlebones over there had to find some negatives in it, and ended up being reported on the radio this morning as the party spoiler in relation to statehood.

I would like the Leader of the Opposition to tell whether she enthused yesterday by the commitment given by the Prime Minister, and was she enthused sufficiently to represent Territorians? Did she become enthusiastic enough to write yesterday to the federal Labor Leader of the Opposition, Kim Beazley and implore him to commit himself unquestionably to supporting the statehood legislation both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate? If she wants to be pro-active, if she wants to show that she is committed to statehood and is supporting Territorians, she will have done that. Did she do it? If she did, I ask her to table that letter and show that she is committed to statehood and that she is supporting Territorians. I urge the Leader of the Opposition not to continue in the role of party spoiler, as she was described on the news, and not to allow the Labor candidate for the NT’s federal seat, who hopes to represent Territorians in Canberra after the next federal election, get away with saying that the support of the minor parties in the Senate will be required if the Territory is to attain statehood. That will not be necessary. All that will be needed is the support of the Coalition, and we have that strong commitment from it and, in addition, the strong commitment of the federal Australian Labor Party in the House of Representatives and the Senate. That will deliver statehood. However, the opposition’s man has sought to say that the Territory will not attain statehood without the support of the minor parties. That is rubbish. Statehood will not be achieved without the opposition’s support and that of its Labor colleagues in Canberra, and it is a shame that the Leader of the Opposition has not written already to them to demand that support on behalf of Territorians.

Mrs Hickey: We have had that commitment since February of this year, you idiot.

Mr REED: You are a disgrace.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016