Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1998-08-19

I have a supplementary question which is quite crucial because it deals with whether Minister Somlyay lied in parliament. I quote the minister:

While I do not want to underestimate the complexity of some of these issues, and while it is true that these issues will require careful and comprehensive consultation with
all interested parties, including the Aboriginal communities in the Territory, I do not believe that they represent barriers to statehood. They are all issues that still need to
be resolved.

Did the federal minister lie on Tuesday when he said negotiations were still required?

Mr COULTER: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Mr Bailey: Or did the Chief Minister lie today when he said those issues were almost resolved?

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Resume your seat, member for Wanguri.

Mr COULTER: Madam Speaker, there are several matters. First, the word ‘lie’. We went through this exercise yesterday. The member is well aware that, if he wishes to accuse someone of lying, he can do so only by way of substantive motion. No substantive motion is before the House at the moment. I ask that the allusion be withdrawn.

Mrs HICKEY: Speaking to the point of order, Madam Speaker, the member for Wanguri asked a question. He did not make a statement.

Mr Coulter: He said the word ‘lie’. He cannot say that.

Mrs HICKEY: The member asked whether somebody had told a lie or not. It was a question, not a statement, and it was not unparliamentary.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Wanguri, withdraw the statement about the federal minister lying.

Mr BAILEY: Madam Speaker, I withdraw the word ‘lie’.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Wanguri, your supplementary question is not accepted.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016