Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-06-02

Minister, the government’s commitment to business extends across many departments. Can you advise this House of one of the ways that this government is assisting Territory business to get on with their job?


Mr Speaker, members would be aware that the Department of Industries and Business came out of the Planning for Growth process and is now delivering a whole range of services and programs to support the industry and business sector in the Northern Territory. I will just let members know some of the complementary functions that have been provided: industry liaison, business services, industry investment, defence, port, tourism infrastructure and major project support, regional development, work health, consumer and business affairs, procurement services, racing, gaming, liquor policy development and also industry licensing and TAB operations.

So, there are a whole diverse range of industry services within the new Department of Industries and Business. One initiative that has been put into place as we speak is the initiative of the Territory Business Centres which will provide a high standard of service by combining all of those programs and services into a comprehensive range that can be accessed at this one point. Territory Business Centres will be open and have been opened already in Darwin and Alice Springs, and are currently being opened in Katherine and Tennant Creek as well.

I advise members that the Darwin Territory Business Centre will be officially opened and launched today at 12.30pm. I welcome all members to come along to that launch as there will be a very diverse range of business people and organisations represented at that. Territory Business Centres will essentially be an accessible point of delivery for relevant, appropriate and timely services of Northern Territory Government services.

Currently, those services are being accessed at quite a great rate. In fact, there’s currently about 32 walk-in calls a day and about 130-odd phone calls a day. So, as those centres become known, I’m sure that that will increase. People who go to those centres can access up to 40 licenses that are currently issued by government in the one location, and a whole range of other services and information to do with the support for industry and business in the Northern Territory.

I applaud the department and the staff. Staff have gone through a very extensive training program to inform themselves of the kinds of services that can be delivered through those Territory business centres. I applaud the staff and the department for this initiative and, as I say, encourage all members to attend the launch today of the Darwin Northern Territory Business Centre.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016