Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 2000-10-12

Buffalo Creek is an important recreation area for the residents of Darwin’s northern suburbs and of course, a favourite fishing and crabbing spot for many residents and has been for, for probably generations, if the truth be known. The minister announced in this year’s budget that $350 000 was to be spent on Buffalo Creek. Can the minister inform honourable members of the status and scope of this work and what improvement users can expect?


Mr Speaker, unlike the Labor members opposite, the government is working to provide additional recreation areas, not close down Kakadu National Park, not close down national parks and have them listed on the World Heritage In Danger list. That is the effort that is being contributed to by the opposite members in cohort with their federal colleagues, trying to put down the tourism industry in the Territory and to decrease the level of economic activity.

But, positively on this side of the House, I can say that in terms of Buffalo Creek, tenders were in fact closed yesterday for about $350 000 worth of work for Buffalo Creek. Arrangements have been…

Members interjecting.

Mr REED: See, they are not even interested in what is a very important issue to the people of the northern suburbs. It is a major access to waterways for fishermen. Yesterday, they purported to be concerned about the benefits for recreational fishermen. Well, this is a major issue in terms of access to waters for recreational fishermen and the work that is going to be done at Buffalo Creek will further enhance the opportunities they have to access to waterways in the area.

In addition to that, it is a very popular picnic area and will become more so because the plans that the Parks and Wildlife Commission have, notwithstanding the Leader of the Opposition rabbiting on about something nonsensical and not listening to the answer to the question, will provide a higher class picnic facility than is certainly currently in existence. It will provide interpretation for a World War II war bunker and also gas barbecues and other picnic facilities.

For those members who are familiar with what the Parks and Wildlife Commission have done at Charles Darwin National Park with the picnic area there which overlooks the extensive mangroves and Darwin Harbour and indeed, the city, those people who go to Buffalo Creek on a regular basis will be able to, in the future, experience that type of amenity once the works are complete.

The first major component of the works will be extending the water main down to Buffalo Creek so that there is a regular and reliable water supply and that is obviously going to be necessary for the upgrading of the toilets which is to occur using the existing building and the installation of lawn areas. There will also be the installation of solar lights to provide security at night and walking tracks will be installed from Lee Point through to Buffalo Creek itself. I would expect the member for Drysdale would very much welcome this because it is within his electorate. It is an issue that he has pursued very strongly in terms of having some improved amenities provided at Buffalo Creek and …

Ms Martin: I’m glad he takes some interest in his electorate.

Mr REED: … I congratulate the Parks and Wildlife Commission for working hard with the defence department to be able to gain control of this land notwithstanding the lack of interest by the Leader of the Opposition and her nonsensical verballings and of course her complicit involvement with the federal Labor Party to place Kakadu on the World Heritage In Danger list. So everyone else in the Northern Territory is working to improve and expand the opportunities for Territorians and visitors to the Buffalo Creek area and of course the lack of commitment, understanding and desire of Territorians to improve their life is clearly understood through the Leader of the Opposition’s comments but we have grown to know and understand and expect that sort of response from her.

However, I expect other members of the House and residents of Darwin and elsewhere will grow to very much appreciate the works that are to be commencing within the next year at Buffalo Creek and will enjoy it and appreciate it even if the Leader of the Opposition and her colleagues don’t.

Mr PALMER (Leader of Government Business): Mr Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016