Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-02-25

The Northern Territory has attracted many motor sports events in the past and we’re all aware of the upcoming touring car event that is happening again this year. I ask the minister if he is aware of the possibility of a London-Sydney event travelling through the Territory in the future?


Mr Speaker,I thank the honourable member for his question. Indeed my office was contacted directly by the organisers of the London-Sydney marathon about a month back to see whether the Northern Territory government could act as a facilitator for what is acknowledged as one of the great world motoring events that is held. This particular event will be held in the year 2000.

Honourable members may be aware of the London-Sydney marathon, the first of which was held back in 1968. It has been held on a number of occasions since, along with another series of marathons which have included the London-Mexico, the Panama-Alaska rally, and just last year the Shield of Africa, all internationally renowned rallies. The Northern Territory, I am pleased to say, will be playing host to this rally, to this major world event that has already booked up some significant international television coverage in the year 2000.

The event will start in London on 3 June, and it will finish in Sydney on 2 July. It will arrive in Darwin and spend 2 days here and journey through to Ayres Rock before heading back interstate. As I said, it starts in London and goes to countries like Belgium, Germany and the Czech Republic before arriving in Australia in the city of Darwin. Over 100 cars are expected to take part. The cars are classic cars pre-1974. I think this will be a tremendous event for a number of reasons for Territorians. In terms of a spectator sport, I think a number of Territorians will take a personal interest in seeing this particular event.

The fact that a series of television networks have signed up to cover this event - and even the pre-publicity and the brochure talk greatly about the Northern Territory outback as opposed to the rest of Australia - will be a great showcase for the Northern Territory. It is something that we, as a government, will take advantage of. It is again a sign of the recognition of our professionalism that the organisers came to us to act as the facilitators when they could have gone to other areas. We will be doing our bit, as a facilitator, to make sure that this event is successful and that the stay of the drivers and the competitors in this event will be a successful one.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016