Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1998-06-16

I refer him to the democratic movement occurring in Indonesia and the concern I and many other residents of Darwin have about the East Timor conflict. Does he agree that the democracy movement represents an exciting opportunity for a lasting resolution to the East Timor situation? Does he agree that the ongoing imprisonment of the East Timorese leader, Xanana Gusmao, is an impediment to reaching a lasting resolution? Does he support many Darwin residents and myself in their call for President Habibie to release Xanana Gusmao?

Madam SPEAKER: Before I call on the Chief Minister, I trust opposition members will allow him to give his answer without interjection.


Thank you, Madam Speaker. I have spoken in this Chamber before about the issue of East Timor. I met with Bishop Belo during my last meeting with the Foreign Minister, Ali Alatas. Over the course of half an hour, I canvassed with him my continuing concerns about the East Timorese situation and the aspirations of the people for a degree of autonomy and self-determination within the Republic of Indonesia. I have met with representatives of the East Timorese community on a number of occasions and expressed my views to them. More recently, I sent a delegation to East Timor to meet with a representative of Bishop Belo and with the Caritas Catholic relief movement to ascertain whether the Northern Territory government could be of any assistance in alleviating the suffering that I know is occurring throughout the eastern provinces of Indonesia, including East Timor.

My government has been actively engaged in a reconstructive surgery program in East Timor and has funded the Menzies School of Health Research for its cerebral malaria program, which includes East Timor.

Madam Speaker, I see that members opposite are clearly not interested in my answer, and therefore I will sit down.

A member interjecting.

Mr STONE: You are not interested.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016