Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-06-13

The litigation involving Paul Everingham’s company, NT Power, has so far cost Territorians $12m. That $12m equates to $193 for every Power and Water Authority customer, both home and business in the Northern Territory. If the licensing process had been handled right in the first place, the Territory would not now be in the courts paying lawyers $193 per Power and Water Authority customer. That money would have been available to cut power prices instead.

Isn’t this another example of the real cost to Territorians of CLP waste and mismanagement?


Mr Speaker, from the outset I will make it clear that I do not intend to comment on the litigation. It has been my position thus far that this is a matter before the courts and it is not something I will comment on either outside this House or in it.

What I will say, though, is that from time to time instrumentalities will be in this particularly litigious environment we are in. Organisations will be taken to court and Power and Water Authority is one of them. The merits of the case - we will find out when the case is closed. The critical issue is whether this is a costly exercise - it is. It is a very costly exercise and one that we would prefer to forego. It is one that we believe in a different climate and maybe with different heads we could have sat down around the table and talked about. It was not to be the case. The Territory unashamedly ...

Mr Burke interjecting.

Mr Stirling: You gave them the licence. Why did you give them the licence?

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr Stirling: Why give it to them in the first place?

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr DUNHAM: The Territory ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Order! A question has been asked of the minister. Please let us hear the answer in reasonable silence.

Mr DUNHAM: Mr Speaker, we are proud to stand up in the interests of our shareholders, the Northern Territory community. That is who ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr DUNHAM: If necessary we will protect their interests including in the court. It is a most unfortunate matter that these court cases are costly. We stand ready to negotiate on a variety of issues and that is happening pretty much as we speak. We have sought a resolution right through this thing. We have not been bloody-minded about it other than to single-mindedly protect the interest of our shareholders, the Northern Territory community.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016