Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr AH KIT - 1997-11-26

The minister's first substantial act as Minister for Local Government has been to dissolve a council that was democratically elected and supported by the residents of Yulara. Two weeks before the minister torpedoed Yulara's council, he met with council representatives and offered them his ongoing cooperation and support. How can any local government trust him?

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Madam Speaker, the member for Arnhem is quite right. I did meet with the council 2 weeks before going with the Treasurer to talk with councillors about dissolving the council. At no point in that first meeting did I give an undertaking that the council would be continued. We talked about other matters that were ...

Mr Bailey: They didn't know you were going to shaft them 2 weeks later. It wasn't even on the agenda.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! The member for Wanguri will be quiet.

Mr BALDWIN: The opposition has had a full briefing on the sale of the resort from the Treasurer's office ...

Mr Bailey: We haven't - not a full briefing.

Mr BALDWIN: The Leader of the Opposition has had a briefing from the Treasurer's office. If the Leader of the Opposition has not informed her shadow local government minister about that briefing, that is a management problem. That is not a matter that I will deal with at the moment. Members opposite know full well that there is a comprehensive statement due today on the sale of the resort.

Mr Bailey: Did you know when you met them that ...

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: A bill is to be introduced that deals with this matter. I suggest that they leave their questions until the appropriate time.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! The member for Fannie Bay.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016