Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1997-12-04

He is aware that his government handed over the complete personal file of a former public servant to a law firm opposing the former public servant in legal proceedings. The former public servant’s personal file was handed over without his consent, in breach of the law and in the absence of any court order. Will he tell this House whether he condones such a misuse of files containing private and confidential information, and has he apologised to the person involved for his government’s reprehensible actions?


Madam Speaker, this is a good question. I have conveyed my views to the Attorney-General’s Department that the order for discovery should have been sought and not pre-empted. In any event, the file was handed over. Processes and protocols have now been put in place to ensure that it will not happen again.

Mr Bailey: Has he been given an apology?

Mr STONE: I have just given an open, frank and honest answer.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016