Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-07-03

Mr Speaker, we have seen this morning how the CLP happily spends taxpayers’ dollars on self-promotion and its mates, but when it comes down to services for Territorians, the funds simply are not there. Last Thursday, a senior Territorian had an accident at home where she was concussed, bruised and broke her wrist. Her husband called for an ambulance only to be told none were available. In fact, one of the Darwin ambulances was in Batchelor. Forty-five minutes later, she was forced to get a family friend to drive her to hospital.

Minister, can you explain to Territorians why you can find hundreds and thousands of dollars to spend on self-promotion, but not to adequately fund our very important ambulance services?


Mr Speaker, concerning the actual details of the case, I will seek advice. The comparison the Leader of the Opposition would draw is that the government has priorities in other areas and is somehow neglecting our ambulance service, and I refute that absolutely. The Northern Territory government spends in excess of $5m with a contract with St John Ambulance Service and that service I think does a remarkably good job. There will be, from time to time, occasions when there are competing priorities for ambulances, and from time to time that is a judgment that would be made at the dispatch centre, in terms of the acuity of the problem.

The matters relating to the despatch of ambulances relies entirely with the St John Ambulance Brigade. We have an excellent relationship with them, and I will seek advice as to the exact details of the case referred to.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016