Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-06-06

In April this year, CSR began blasting a bulk oil sample in the Elizabeth Valley adjacent to residential properties. At no stage were the local residents informed as to the operation and no warning signs were placed around the blasting site. At no stage were residents informed that a mining lease covering sections of private land was being renewed. When the member for Goyder met with residents of the Valley he refused to rule out that mining on private land covered by the lease could occur.

Minister, I ask you why is that these rural residents need planning approvals to build a shed within say 20 metres of their boundary when a mineral lease can be renewed without any notification of them at all?

You have had 26 years to get this sort of thing right. Why would the residents of Elizabeth Valley give you another four years in power?


Mr Speaker, it seems to be a question on planning but is to do with mining so I am not sure whether this is a question that should come to me. Maybe we could wrap it into a work health question or something.

I can assure, from my understanding, that all of the normal procedures were followed in this respect and that meetings have been held. There are some resolutions that are forthcoming is my understanding.

Mr MANZIE (Resource Development): Mr Speaker, I might just add to that information. The mining lease is certainly ...

Members interjecting.

Mr MANZIE: As the mines minister I just think this is an important issue ...

Mrs HICKEY: A point of order, Mr Speaker. My point of order is that the minister is out of order in jumping up...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order, order!

Mr MANZIE: Obviously members of the opposition do not want the information so I will sit down.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr MANZIE: Sorry, I did not realise ...

Mr SPEAKER: Do you wish to continue the answer?

Mr MANZIE: No, no one wants to listen to it, Mr Speaker, so I am not giving them information. They are not listening. I won’t bother giving them information.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016