Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2001-07-03

Minister, last week you advised that an extra ten fire officers would be trained and employed between August and the end of the this year. With attrition rates as they are, this will do little to alleviate that stresses that the Fire Service is under. Will you tell Territorians and the Fire Service employees here today why they will stay face unworkable leave rosters and restrictions on their leave and long-service entitlements, and still no guarantee that the Palmerston Rescue tender will continue to be manned?


Mr Speaker, if there is an attrition rate greater than that which is anticipated, I will expect that the department would respond accordingly and hold additional courses and training requirements would be met. In terms of unworkable leave rosters, I understand that the leave roster to which the honourable member refers is applied in Alice Springs; it seems to work quite well there. As to ensuring - as is the case elsewhere in Australia - that management have a constructive and rightful role to play in terms of rostering arrangements, then the negotiations will continue to put in place arrangements that will ensure that the best services possible are provided to Territorians to protect themselves and their property.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016