Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-08-16

Following the removal of Parks and Wildlife officers from Nhulunbuy in 1998, Mr Noel Wright, a Nhulunbuy constituent, became unofficially the snake man who residents call when faced with unwanted reptiles. The minister wrote to Noel recently: ‘It is regrettable that you have become the main point of contact for snake call-outs. Should the situation continue, you should redirect the caller to the 24 hour snake call-out number for advice, which is 015 610 039’. Mr Wright called this number and was answered by a man in Palmerston who said under no circumstances would he be coming to Gove to deal with snakes. What help is a 015 number in Palmerston to a young mum in Nhulunbuy, dad at work, two kids under three and a large, angry snake on her kitchen floor? The minister either has to re-establish the Parks and Wildlife officers in Nhulunbuy or at the very least sit down and negotiate some form of a contract for Mr Wright’s valuable services. Which is it?


Mr Speaker, on past experience constituents will probably be more threatened by a DUI local member. But I overlook his foibles.

We did have staff in Nhulunbuy. We had them there for a number of years. I have explained to the House previously that we could not get the agreement that was sought with the land council as regards the arrangements to keep those staff there. They were intransigent. We have continued to negotiate with them in more recent times as regards some arrangements for land management and conservation management of areas around Nhulunbuy and in East Arnhem generally. Sadly, they have not come to pass.

Yes, I did write to the person concerned. I will, as always, pursue the matter that the member draws to my attention. I will get an answer back to him.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016