Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1998-06-16

What effect has the Asian currency situation had on the number of overseas exhibitors attending next week’s NT Expo?


Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to be able to say that the international pavilion of NT Expo has been fully booked for some time and we have a waiting list for exhibition space. It is fair to say, however, that the regional currency situation has impacted on a number of countries to our north - such as Indonesia - which have been long-term supporters of NT Expo. While we will not see as strong a representation from Indonesia this year, China and Vietnam have stepped in with exhibits. In saying that, I wish to let honourable members know that a number of people will represent Indonesia. Some 60 to 70 people are coming from Jakarta, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Maluku and Irian Jaya. Also present will be 15 members of the Nusa Tenggara Timur dance troupe and 6 Ambonese singers. The support we are receiving from Indonesia for NT Expo, even in difficult times, is really appreciated.

China has 5 sites booked, and 2 are booked for Vietnam. I am told that we expect around 90 Chinese delegates for the event. More than 270 exhibits will be on display next week. It is certainly very pleasing to note that this is the first year that every Australian state and territory will be represented. Our MOU partners in Australia - that is, Tasmania, South Australia and the ACT - have undertaken to provide sizeable delegations. I believe that the ACT is sending delegates from about 20 companies. The Philippines, Sabah, Brunei, Labuan, Sarawak, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand have all signed up for the trade fair. Everything is well in hand for next week’s opening.

We will have a full program of support activities, including the industry showcase to defence which will be held at Robertson Barracks next Tuesday. This has attracted around 160 exhibitors, almost twice as many as participated last year. That exhibit attracted major interstate defence companies, including ADI Ltd, Tenix and British Aerospace. The mining, oil and gas exhibit has attracted 15 exhibitors from that sector. The South-East Asia Australia Offshore Conference is being held simultaneously with expo. There will be plenty of business-matching and networking opportunities, seminars and industry promotions. The Sabah contingent will have a tourism breakfast and the ACT will have a breakfast hosted by the ACT Chief Minister, Kate Carnell. Other highlights include the annual trade ministers’ meeting, the Darwin Press Club trade ministers’ luncheon, the NT Expo industry dinner, the Australian Dairy Classic seminar and the Australasian Trade Route Transport Conference. To say that it will be a very busy week is a major understatement.

Work is to begin on erecting the Hoeckner Pavilion tomorrow. That is the first step in physically setting up our premier trade event. I urge all members to participate in NT Expo events where they can. I look forward to reporting back to the House on this year’s event.

I congratulate Vicky Spence, the manager of NT Expo, and the NT Expo team on their recent award at the International Business Asia Awards. I had the privilege of being in Sydney to see NT Expo win for the best contribution to Australia-Asia business ties for the second year in a row. NT Expo is well and truly on track. It will be bigger and better than ever. It is a credit to all involved. It highlights the Territory’s position in South-East Asia and why One Nation is irrelevant in this part of the world. I support the Chief Minister’s comments. We have to ensure that One Nation receives no support.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016