Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr AH KIT - 2000-06-14

Yesterday the Treasurer belatedly announced that grants to community organisations would be grossed up 10% to offset the impact of GST, implying that organisations would not be worse off. But the Territory budget contains cuts to the minister’s department’s grants by 13.2% or $805 000 - almost a dozen APEC dinners. How can the minister justify cutting grants to sporting clubs and organisations of $805 000 while $70 000 is wasted on a dinner?


Mr Speaker, it is an easy question to answer. The Territory government has assisted and subsidised sport in the Territory in all the time it has been in government. It is a huge part of our lifestyle. When interstate sports people come here they are astounded – that was the word used yesterday, I would say they are stunned - by the amount that government gives to sport.

Sports grants are handed out on the basis of merit. They vary each year and each one is assessed individually. As we assess them, we will be fair to them all. The Treasurer has announced we will gross them up by 10%. But it is a floating amount; it varies each year according to demand.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr Balch: … highest funding levels in Australia.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The minister will resume his seat. I have heard about enough from both the Leader of the Opposition and the member for Nhulunbuy. I would appreciate it if we could hear the answer in reasonable silence. The answer is being delivered fairly succinctly. I expect you to listen without so much blabber.

Mr LUGG: Mr Speaker, it is a bit like feeding the chooks in here sometimes.

The Treasurer announced that we would gross up the grants to sports organisations and we would treat them fairly. That information has only just come through from the federal government in Canberra and we followed quickly to allay sports organisations’ fears about what would happen.

The truth is that we subsidise sport to a degree not seen anywhere else in this country. We will continue to look after sport and recreational activity in the Northern Territory. The Territory sport and recreation community enjoy this level of subsidy, funding and general assistance in kind from all of government. They enjoy their sport and are very appreciative of what government does for them.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016