Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1997-12-02

It has been reported that the New South Wales police wish to talk to the minister about his involvement in the illegal sale of gay erotic videos in Kings Cross and, in fact, that Commander Moroney is waiting for his call. As Minister for Police, his credibility has gone. As Minister for the Fire Service his credibility has also gone. When will the minister go?


Madam Speaker, this is a classic example of the simplicity and the hollowness of the Labor Party’s argument on this matter. We have just had an example, when the Chief Minister was answering the last question, of the ALP praising John Laws for his stand on an aspect of the native title issue. When John Laws says something members opposite agree with, they praise him. They did not praise him last week when he said it would be a jolly good thing to get rid of the Yulara Town Council because it was no longer needed. It did not suit them on that occasion. This week, it suits them to quote John Laws and praise him.

The basis of their claim about police investigating my actions is a newspaper report. The trouble with members opposite is that they are so bone-idle and lazy that they will not go out of their way to substantiate their information. In the first instance, if a police commander were interested in investigating my actions, one might expect him to have phoned. In fact, there is a good reason why

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Sydney police did not phone. From a phone call to them this morning, it is clear that Sydney police had no knowledge of this incident, apart from media stories. They had more sense than to respond to media stories as members opposite did. And these are parliamentarians, representing Territorians! All they do is act on innuendo and suspicion in their own evil little minds. They assume that everyone else does the same. The police are more responsible, and have more nous.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016