Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-04-29

I refer him to his federal mates’ plan to impose a GST. Does he agree that it is obscene …

Members interjecting.

Ms MARTIN: I would like the Chief Minister to hear the question. If his mates are going to interject …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Ms MARTIN: Does the Chief Minister agree that it is obscene that while food will be taxed casinos will be exempted?


Mr Speaker, that is an emotive but shallow question. Firstly, I suggest the Leader of the Opposition might like to check with her Labor colleagues, Premier Bacon, Premier Carr and Premier Beattie, who were grinning like Cheshire cats. They couldn’t sign fast enough. They couldn’t get around to the Prime Minister fast enough, with smiles from ear to ear. They know that not only are the Prime Minister and his Treasurer courageous men in restructuring the tax system, they know …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Chief Minister has the floor.

Mr BURKE: But they know that it is good for their own constituents. That’s why they signed so readily, and that’s why I am sure they will be using all of their energies to lobby the Labor senators to allow this GST to pass.

There will always be arguments, particularly if one focuses on one area of the GST, that somehow it is unfair. But in any balanced approach to consideration of the GST, it needs to be seen firstly on a national basis. How good is this for Australia? How good is this for industry and our exports? How good is it for creating jobs and allowing industries to be competitive overseas? Secondly, how good is it for, in our case, individual Territorians?

That consideration, I can tell you, has been made very carefully by this government. That’s why we whole-heartedly embrace the tax reform system that’s occurring in Australia. That’s why Australians and Territorians will welcome this move as the years progress.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016