Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1997-12-01

Is it not a fact that, if the minister were fair dinkum about researching the age of consent question, he would have learned that X-rated videos are legally available only in the Northern Territory and the ACT? Can he please explain this gap in his research?

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Madam Speaker, the debate is not about videos. The debate is about the age of consent and attempts by lobbyists to have that reduced from 18 to 16. That is the matter of concern. The general approach of the lobbyists is that the age of consent should be considered as an isolated issue. They raise it from time to time, as they frequently do other issues, hoping that it will gain currency in different jurisdictions and consequently be adopted because, when it comes up for final discussion and changes to the law are proposed, it will be an accepted community norm, if you like. They hope that will happen because it will have been raised many times over a period. My ...

Mr Bailey: It hasn’t been raised in the Territory.

Mr REED: My approach was to ...

Mr Bailey: It is not on the agenda.

Mr REED: In my view, the fact that it has not been raised in the Northern Territory in recent times is neither here nor there. It is an important community issue. It is a matter that will be raised because I propose to raise it in February and I propose to support it with the material that I purchased. I propose to raise it because I intend, over the course of the coming year, to be able to counter the argument that is put forward by lobbyists on an ongoing basis ...

Members interjecting

Mr REED: You ask when and why. I had a phone call just after 10 pm last Friday from an ABC journalist who wanted to interview me on this matter. He volunteered the fact that it is a debate that has had considerable currency in Western Australia in recent times, and one ...

Mr Bailey: interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: ... which ...

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr REED: That was not the reason why I purchased them. I am trying to demonstrate to the member for Wanguri, as hard as it is to get anything through his skull, that it is raised as a matter of concern around the country from time to time and, because I think it is a concern, I believe Territorians should be alerted to the broader issue.

Mr Stirling: How thorough was your research, apart from ...

Madam SPEAKER: Order! I ask the minister to resume his seat. Two members of the opposition are trying my patience. I suggest that they cease interjecting in the way they have been. Their interjections are too long and far too loud. I do not know whether they have a hearing problem, but there is no need to shout as loud as they have been. I urge them to exert a little self-control.

Mr REED: If honourable members opposite do not consider this to be an important issue, and do not agree with my point of view that it is the responsibility of a member of parliament to take the opportunity to create a greater awareness about these matters in the broader community, then that is their problem. They can answer to the community for that. What they want to do in adjournment debates is their own business. I will sing to my tune, not to theirs.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016