Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-08-12

The legal dispute between the Territory Liberal Party administration and Paul Everingham’s company, NT Power, is another nightmare for Territory power consumers desperate for substantial price reductions. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent on legal fees, with a risk of a multi-million-dollar damages payout. The basis of this debacle is the comprehensive licence given to Everingham - their mate, not ours - by the Territory Liberals. Did the Territory Liberals give him this comprehensive licence because he was a mate and a life member, or are they simply incompetent?


Mr Speaker, I shan’t be going into the details of the case that’s on foot next door. It is sub judice and not a matter that should be debated in this House. Those legal issues are the very substance of what is being argued next door.

However, I can assure the member that Paul Everingham and the ‘Territory Liberals’ have no deal whatsoever because there is no such animal as the Territory Liberals.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016