Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1998-02-17

Last week, the Chief Minister made a rush trip to China promoting the sale of Territory gas. Can he inform the Assembly of the outcome of that visit?

Mr Bailey: A rush trip. Where? What was the matter?


Madam Speaker, the member for Wanguri laughs and there is a big smile on the Leader of the Opposition's face. These are the very people who are trying to persuade Territorians that nothing is happening and that nothing has happened since the election. Where have members opposite been? Haven't they noticed the expedited development of the port? Haven't they heard of or observed the progress that is being made in respect of the Alice Springs to Darwin rail link? Haven't they seen the concerted efforts to have the Jabiluka uranium mine up and running, despite the failure of the Leader of the Opposition to persuade her federal colleagues to abandon their 3-mine policy? She had the gall to return to the Territory saying that it was all okay, that she had fixed it. She has fixed nothing. Didn't they notice that, notwithstanding the Asian currency crisis, a record number of live cattle are still being exported? Despite all this, they have the cheek to climb into the media and say that nothing is happening? Has the Leader of the Opposition bothered to contact me to find out about the LNG project?

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: I have been to China on 2 occasions. They do not want to hear this because it is what the government has been doing. This is one of the projects that will deliver not hundreds but thousands of jobs for

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Territorians. Let us not have this tripe that they trot out that nothing is happening. A great deal is happening.

Mrs Hickey: We are all ears.

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr STONE: You may be all ears, but I do not know what is between his ears. I am sure people listening to the broadcast ...

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: On 2 occasions, I have accompanied the Premier of Western Australia, Richard Court, to China where we have held meetings with government officials, in particular with the Vice-Premier, Zhu Rong-Ji, who has the carriage of the economic affairs of that very large nation. We have been endeavouring to persuade the Chinese government that there is considerable merit in converting coal-fired power stations to gas firing. There are very compelling reasons, including environmental considerations as well as simple efficiencies and cost savings.

I am pleased to be able to say that we have met with considerable success. This is important, given that many of the energy companies of the world now consider that the waters to our north have moved from what might have been considered a second-class hydrocarbon province to a first-class hydrocarbon province.

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Mr STONE: It is interesting to hear the member for Arnhem interject.

Mr Ah Kit: This is Question Time. Make a ministerial statement later.

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr STONE: You throw down the challenge and say that nothing is happening but, when I rise to explain to Territorians what is happening, you do not want to hear about it.

The good news is that this project is now firming up as a reality. For the Territory, that will mean ...

Mr Bailey: Excellent - and about time too! Your decisions over the years have delayed it.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: That will mean, if the member for Wanguri will be quiet, that literally thousands of jobs will be generated for Territorians.

Mr Bailey: Great - and about time!

Mr STONE: This project will be coming on line. The member for Wanguri may interject all he likes. He can talk ...

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: ... about delays, but it is his cronies in the land council who have caused more delays on this project than anybody else. The Labor Party has aligned itself with those who lodge spurious native title claims to obstruct this project. This is a great project for Territorians. It will generate thousands of jobs. If members opposite would only open their eyes and their ears, they would realise that there is plenty happening in the

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Madam SPEAKER: Order! Members of the opposition, we will not continue while you are screaming. You ask questions but, when a minister tries to answer them, you interject continually. You are not alone in this Chamber. If you intend to continue in this disruptive way, I shall stop the proceedings and we will not have Question Time. Let us have a little order in the House. It is up to you. Make up your minds.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016