Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-04-20

The Country Liberal Party administration funds a fire service in all Territory centres except Nhulunbuy. Nhulunbuy ratepayers have to fork out around $300 000 each year to pay for this service themselves. Why does the Country Liberal Party discriminate against Nhulunbuy in this manner?


There isnot really a discrimination, Mr Speaker ...

Ms Martin: An oversight?

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: No, it’s not an oversight either. But I thank the honourable Leader of the Opposition for her yet another example of her inability to understand the workings of government, the processes of agencies and the provision of services in the Northern Territory.

It happens to be a corporation that is responsible for providing certain services. That has been in place for many years. I understand that the corporation has called for tenders for the supply of a fire service. Are you aware of that? You’re not aware of that. I see the blank look on your face. ‘What tender?’ he says. ‘I only live there. How would I know that the corporation has called for tenders for a fire service where I live and for the people I represent? I wouldn’t know what’s going on there’. You didn’t even know that they’ve called for tenders for the provision of a fire service! You are an embarrassment to the people you represent. For him to stand up here and to ask the question that he’s asked, and be unaware of the fact that tenders have been called by the corporation, does that not tell members of this House he knows not what he is about?
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016