Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1999-02-25

I understand that the government’s home loan scheme is almost fully extended for this financial year. Can the minister tell us what steps have been taken to sort that problem out to help Territorians buy their own homes?


Mr Speaker, I am pleased the member asked me that question because we have some good news this morning for Territorians who are waiting to purchase their own home. This government is committed to helping as many Territorians as possible buy their patch of the Territory, because we know that if they do that they are investing in the Territory’s future. In 1996 we introduced the HomeStart scheme. When we did that we were a bit overwhelmed at the response we received. In the last financial year, 186 Territorians were assisted to buy their own home under the scheme. We thought that was probably a bit of rush of blood - it was a new scheme so we got lots of applications - and we did not expect that many to occur again.

A member interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: Do you mind? Up until January this year we have had a total of 164 successful applicants.

Mr MITCHELL: A point of order, Mr Speaker! In the interests of Territorians listening out there, I asked a question that I would like to get the answer to and I’m sure a lot of people in the Gallery here today would like to get the answer to it. With these inane interjections from the opposition, I cannot hear what the minister is saying. Could you please reiterate your point made earlier?

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order. I do not think that at that particular time the comment on the opposition benches was over the top but I would ask you all to keep it down - it is very difficult for those who are trying to hear answers to questions on radio. I don’t know whether any of you have ever bothered to listen to a broadcast of Question Time. It sounds disgraceful. You can record it and listen to it later. I would ask you all to keep it down.

Mrs BRAHAM: It is unfortunate the opposition will not allow Territorians to hear a bit of good news coming out of this Assembly instead of their usual bagging ,and if they would just give a little time and space so I can finish this good news story…

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: Why don’t you be quiet for one minute?

We had, by the end of January, a total of 164 successful applications from people to purchase their own home under the scheme. 44 of them are still waiting to be processed, but unfortunately we ran out of funds because we did not expect so many people to apply to purchase their homes under the new scheme.

This government is committed to helping Territorians do that, and I am pleased to announce that this government has agreed to boost the funds to the HomeStart scheme by $3m immediately.

This will be an instant injection of funds into the scheme, so those people who have been waiting for funding to become available to purchase their home, and I hope they are listening, can be assured that the funds are there for them to go ahead and their applications will be processed as soon as possible.

Its important that we do this. This HomeStart scheme is also aimed directly at Territorians who want to buy homes in the private market, and of course that stimulates the private market well. It is great news for people who have their applications in, and people who are considering it. This government operates a number of very successful loan schemes but this one in particular is far more successful than we anticipated, and I think everyone will be very pleased and proud at what is happening.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016