Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1998-04-22

At the last sittings, he announced details of a review of the planning processes in the Territory. Can he confirm that public submissions have closed? What is the next step in the process likely to be?


Madam Speaker, on 19 February, I announced a review of Northern Territory planning arrangements. Since that time, we have appointed Earl James to conduct that review. It was delayed somewhat through Mr James being incapacitated. However, submissions closed on 9 April, by which time Mr James had received some 40 submissions from various community groups and individuals. The process from this point is for Mr James to consider those submissions and make a report to me. In the interim, together with the member for Fannie Bay, I met with the Planning Action Network at Casuarina Library one Sunday. There have been a number of other meetings with Mr James.

As I said at the Casuarina meeting, and as I had said previously, Mr James's report will be made public. It will be issued for further comment. Following that, the intention is to draft changes to the Planning Act or the planning regulations. Perhaps they could be issued as a discussion document as well. This process will involve Territorians and will be seen to involve Territorians.

I expect to have the matter resolved within 6 months - even though this is a much more detailed and comprehensive process than appointing a Senator for the Northern Territory. I am sure that we can conduct this in a time frame that is sensible, that allows for community input and that allows for discussions with a large number of Territorians. I am sure that, in due course, the Territory will have a planning process that is not only transparent and accountable, but that also works and is efficient.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016