Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-12-01

Will he confirm that he received advice of Textor’s research findings that uncommitted voters found him to be an ‘arrogant little man, new, young, brash upstart, doing bad things’? On receiving this advice and knowing it had come from government-paid-for research, did he tell Paul Cowdy or his then boss to stop those activities? Can he show any other government in Australia that has conducted taxpayer-funded polling on the popularity of its ministers?

Mr BURKE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Under standing order 112, this is calling for hypothetical statements from the Chief Minister. The Leader of the Opposition is referring to matters when the Chief Minister was a minister, and not privy to the information that she has tabled.

Madam SPEAKER: I think the question is in line with the questions we’ve had over the last couple of days.


Madam Speaker, I was asked whether I was ever shown this research. I was not.

Mrs Hickey: And can you show the other Australian governments that have done it before? You can’t, can you?

Mr STONE: And I became tall and old after that.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016