Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1998-04-23

Will he concede that the general revenue assistance grants given to the Northern Territory by the Commonwealth have been increased by $54m? Is it not a fact that this significant increase exceeds inflation and population growth and was the greatest percentage increase received by any state or territory? Will the Treasurer also confirm the Auditor-General's assessment that last year's budget came in $74m better than expected? In light of these good budgetary foundations, will the Treasurer state categorically that he will not deliver a cynical post-election budget? Will he guarantee that he will deliver to Territorians a budget they deserve which will include some relief from the exorbitant cost of living facing Territory families and businesses?


Madam Speaker, I thank the shadow treasurer for the compliment he has paid us in respect of the good management of Territory finances. He has finally recognised what we have been trying to convince him of for many years. It seems there is a glimmer of hope that we may be getting the message through the bone. I thank the honourable member for recognising finally the excellent financial management that this CLP government has delivered to Territorians.

As for the budget, I shall not make any predictions before it is delivered next Tuesday. Suffice it to say that the government will be presenting a budget that will deliver to Territorians what they expect of it in terms of the long-term financial management and progress of the Northern Territory. We have been in the happy position of experiencing strong economic growth, very strong population growth and the lowest unemployment rates in the country.

I shall not give any assurance to the shadow treasurer as to what may or may not be in the budget. Suffice it to say that there are particular pressures that the government will have to respond to - for example, the unforeseen commitment in relation to the Katherine flood. Enormous pressure has been placed on the Territory budget as a result of the flood, with costs in the order of $70m. That is a substantial sum to find from a budget the size of the Northern Territory's. However, the government will make a commitment to alleviate the difficulties that the people of Katherine are experiencing.

With an increasing population, there are increased demands for services, and that places additional pressures on the budgetary position. Whether or not there will be increases in charges, along with other aspects of the budget, will be the subject of discussion later in this House. I am afraid the shadow treasurer will have to wait until next Tuesday for further details.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016