Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 1998-10-07

My question concerns the speed limits on major roads and urban areas of the Northern Territory. With the recent introduction of speed cameras, has the minister considered any adjustment of speed limits on certain roads in the light of speed camera evidence?


Madam Speaker, a timely question indeed, particularly for the member for Braitling from whom I have had recent correspondence in this regard. The facts are that we have looked at the speed limits across the Northern Territory, particularly in Palmerston, Darwin and Alice Springs, and it has been decided that there will be an increase in certain speed limits on certain roads.

We didn’t just make this up. It was the result of intensive investigation by the police. I understand the AANT, Local Government and Transport and Works were involved and I have the details of that. I cannot table it for honourable members for it has, in fact, the speed camera locations that have been decided, but I want honourable members to know that this is not us just simply increasing speed limits. It is those roads where people are travelling along at 80 km an hour now, it comes back down to 70km or whatever and then may go up to 80km in certain circumstances.

So to get uniformity across the board we are now going to increase by 10km an hour certain roads in the Northern Territory. As I said, as a result of those extensive speed camera trials and the collection of a large amount of data on traffic flows, we have now a recommendation that speed restrictions on certain roads be changed.

I have taken that advice on board and I am pleased to announce here today that speed limits on selected roads within those areas - Darwin, Palmerston and Alice Springs - will actually be increased by 10km per hour.

There are a number of reasons for this: the way certain roads are used by motorists, the lack of traffic accidents on these roads and to introduce an element of fairness and practical operation of speed cameras.

I have always said, and the police have always said, that speed cameras have not been introduced to generate revenue. We have them in operation now to persuade drivers to slow down, to take more care on our roads and in an attempt to reduce the road toll. Police have firm evidence that the cameras are working in this regard. There has been a significant slowing down of speed by drivers since they were introduced on 1 August.

The application of cameras has shown that speed zoning on some arterial roads does not match the responsibility expectation of most drivers and thus the reason why the speed limits are increasing.

In Darwin, a section of Stuart Highway between Bagot Road and Amy Johnson Avenue increases from 80km to 90km; the whole of Amy Johnson Avenue increases from 80km to 90km; Berrimah Road, between Stuart Highway and Elizabeth River, increases from 80km to 90km - except in the built up stretch on the Highway and Kormilda College which will increase from 60km to 70km. The reason for that is we have moved the school bus - the honourable member for Drysdale would be aware of this - pick up inside Kormilda College, so we are going to increase that section there as well.

The Stuart Highway from the centre of Alice Springs to Ilparpa Road increases from 80km to 90km and from Ilparpa Avenue from 80km to 90km as well as, of course, the Ross Highway increases from 80km to 90km. Larapinta Drive from town increases from 60km to 70km and then from 70km to 80km, and then from 80km to 90km, and a section of the Stuart Highway, north of the town, increases from 60km to 70km. Parts of Scott Terrace, Undoolya Road and Sadadeen Road will also increase from 60km to 70km. These increases will apply where speed zoning signs are erected on these roads and not before. So nobody get out there and do it as I am speaking!

I stress that these roads are without a particular history of traffic accidents, and are considered suitable for better traffic flow. Finally, I hope this puts to rest the last lingering remnants of the conspiracy theories that speed cameras were introduced only to raise revenue. In fact, the police have been giving people 10kph leeway on certain roads already. I table, for the benefit of honourable members, the maps of the roads with the speed increases on it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016