Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 2000-10-11

Mr Speaker, as the minister will be aware, the Nightcliff Police Station has been operating in Nightcliff for some 10 years now and has provided a valuable addition of a police presence in that region. Given that the police have been occupying that facility, and it really has been an ad hoc development of expanding facilities without any major upgrade, are there any plans on the part of the government to provide some upgraded and organised premises so that the police can operate more effectively from the area?


Mr Speaker, at the outset can I thank the member for Nightcliff for the work he has done on behalf of the constituency over the past decade in relation to this particular matter as regards a police presence in Nightcliff. He was largely responsible for having the police station established through his lobbying on behalf of the community, and a response to those requests by government and you lot babble on over there because you are ineffective, but you see someone who is effective and then you get all embarrassed by it.

In response to the honourable member’s question and the fact that the Nightcliff Police Station has been operating now for the best part of a decade, the police have made arrangements with the landlord, it is a privately owned building, for an upgrade, that will be a $1m upgrade, for the Nightcliff Police Station. It will increase the formal space in the building by some 40% and it will be a commitment for the next 10 years in terms of the arrangements that will be put in place which will see the upgrade occur. So, apart from the upgrade, there is a definite government commitment to continue the presence of police in the Nightcliff area and that, I think, will be most welcome by the honourable member and, indeed, by his constituents.

Police will relocate the Accident Investigation, Domestic Violence and Traffic Camera units to the Nightcliff station, as well as a permanent front counter presence and that in itself will be important. I know that that is something the honourable member has been lobbying for and the current building was needed to be enlarged to facilitate those functions and other activities performed by the station. Those improvements will see a greater police presence at Nightcliff and the enhanced services that will flow from that. The new development will also facilitate disabled access to the police station. It will provide secure under cover car parking, an upgraded public reception area and security systems, upgraded staff amenities including showers, locker room and lunch room, public interview room and a staff muster room

Work on the upgrade will be performed by Allbuilt and cost $1m. It will generate some work in the building industry and will commence at the end of October with an expected completion date in early February 2001. It is again another demonstration that the additional funding that this government over the last many years has been directing towards the Northern Territory Police Force is working to benefit the community, to enhance police services to Territorians and, which is most important, ensure that police have effective work place arrangements and conditions from which they can provide their very professional service to Territorians. I thank the honourable member for his question.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016