Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 1999-04-21

The minister would be aware that the Kintore school suffered some fire damage recently and a couple of the buildings were burnt to the ground. What steps has he taken to repair the school to correct the situation?


Mr Speaker, I thank the honourable member for his question. I note that the very first working day after we learned the very disappointing news about the school, the member was in my office lobbying for some solutions to the problem.

As honourable members may be aware, on 3 April this year a fire at the Kintore school resulted in the destruction of 4 classrooms.

Mr Toyne interjecting.

Mr ADAMSON: It doesn’t sound as if the education spokesperson on the other side has an interest in this matter. I think it is most unfortunate that he chooses to interject on what I think is a very important grassroots issue to the people out there. He should be quite ashamed.

We did lose 4 classrooms, a storeroom and the office, along with all the associated fittings. It has been determined that it was an electrical fault that caused the problem. It certainly has placed some pressure on the school there. The school principal, Mr Ralph Folds, and the staff met to discuss whether it was possible to keep the school going, considering the adverse circumstances. It is all credit to both the principal and his staff that they agreed, in such difficult circumstances, that business should continue. They have put in place a program where, with the limited facilities remaining, the junior part of the primary school is meeting in the morning and the senior part of the school uses those facilities in the afternoon. I particularly want to place on the record my appreciation of Mr Folds for his leadership in this matter and for the ongoing dedication he has shown at that school.

Of course, what we have to do is rebuild that facility. I have approached the Treasurer, who has approved $410 000 towards construction of new facilities. All going well, it should take 10-12 weeks, which means that we should have the school open for the start of the second semester.

Again, I place on the record my appreciation of the staff there. They are a tremendously dedicated bunch. This is just another indication of the great track record of the principal, Ralph Folds, who has done so much at that school and has received recognition not only throughout the Territory but nationally for what he has done there, particularly in relation to the environment. The staff are working in difficult conditions, but at least we are providing some answers to this problem.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016