Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 2000-05-10

Mr Speaker, in a lame attempt to discredit the Labor’s new directions on recreational fishing, the minister claimed that Labor was contemplating the introduction of licences for recreational fishing. Labor has never supported the introduction of fishing licences and is not doing so now.

Will the minister acknowledge that on page 21 of his draft development plan for recreational fishing there is a CLP proposal to raise $1.6m from locals and tourists alike in fishing licences. Further, will the minister now rule out the introduction of such fees or are they still under contemplation by the CLP?


Mr Speaker, it is something that has been explained previously in this House and that draft discussion paper on recreational fishing plan is a paper that has been put together through my ministerial advisory council on recreational fishing which comprises representatives of AFANT, a number of fishing clubs, a number of private recreational fishermen, dive clubs and any number of people. There are about 15 people on this group who meet twice annually and discuss things. It was this group that put together this discussion plan ...

Ms Martin: Nothing to do with you?

Mr PALMER: Hang on. I am not going to direct them as to what they can and cannot put out for discussion. I cannot direct what they can and cannot talk about. We have made it plain over many years this government does not support the introduction of recreational fishing licences. This mob opposite never have; they never have. It was drawn to my attention last week that they were now going to propose the introduction of recreational fishing licences and they quickly changed their policy. Just as it went to the printer, they changed their policy, they took it off the press. Have you seen this ragtag document they presented? Have you seen this heap of rubbish that they foist upon the public? They were sending it to the printers but had to withdraw it to change the bit about fishing rights.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016