Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-03-02

This Country Liberal Party government has asked their mates in Canberra to amend the Territory’s Self-Government Act to provide for unlimited parliamentary secretaries. Each secretary will, of course, be entitled to a substantial pay rise. We already have 9 well paid ministers to oversee the affairs of just under 200 000 Territorians. There are far more urgent priorities in the Territory calling for government funding than a pay rise for politicians. Is this the Chief Minister’s way of delivering a pay rise to his entire backbench?


Mr Speaker, I have never, since I’ve been Chief Minister, written to the federal government with regard to the appointment of parliamentary secretaries. That avenue is available to me. There is one parliamentary secretary, Mr Steve Hatton, assisting the Chief Minister on statehood. That position carries no - and I would emphasise - no remuneration, and no benefits.

The title that’s been given to him simply is to ensure that everyone is aware that he is assisting me directly on this most important issue.

So in terms of the nature of the question, I know not from where it comes.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016