Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-08-12

I refer the minister to the proposed Brown’s Prospect project near Batchelor. I understand the Commonwealth government recently announced a significant research and development grant for this project. I am curious to know what this is likely to mean for the development of the project, and what benefits the Northern Territory may expect from (a) the research and (b) the project?


Mr Speaker, it was recently announced that Compass Resources have received a $4.7m Commonwealth research and development grant to help progress their $3350m Brown’s Prospect deposit near Batchelor. Obviously this is dear to your heart, Mr Speaker, being in an area which is near your electorate and one with which you have had previous experience. It’s also tremendous news for the company and for the Northern Territory.

The deposit, near the former Rum Jungle uranium mine, is made up of lead, copper, cobalt and nickel. Its development could generate 350 construction jobs and 123 full-time positions when it’s operational.

Mr Reed: Labor will probably oppose it.

Mr MANZIE: Well, they probably will. With additional spin-off jobs and benefits to local business, this project will provide a significant boost to the economy. We were very pleased to actively support Compass Resources in their application for the research and development grant, the whole idea of which is to develop an efficient and effective way of exploiting the minerals, of being able to process the minerals in a way which is going to make the mine very, very commercial against a lot of competition from other parts of Australia and the world.

I certainly wish Compass the very best in progressing this mine, because indeed it will create jobs for the Territory and it will create wealth for Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016