Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1997-12-01

Nobody in this House gives a damn what erotic videos this minister watches, but we are appalled that he treats Territorians as fools and concocts unbelievable tales about why he watches those videos. No one believes his story to date. Will the minister admit that his explanation is pure invention, and will he now tell the truth about why he bought those gay videos?


Madam Speaker, I reject any suggestion or assertion that I am lying. I purchased this material legally and I did so with the intention of delivering a speech in this House in February in the adjournment debate in relation to the age of consent. I intend to do that because I believe it is an issue that the community should be better informed about. It is one that is occasionally raised around the country by lobby groups. In my view, all too often, we sit back in relation to this issue. We refer frequently to ourselves as the silent majority. As a member of this parliament, I think I have an opportunity to bring these matters forward for the attention of the public. I have done that on this and related issues in years past in a very forceful way, and I intended to do that in February.

The reason for doing it in February is that I expect the lobby groups to follow the same pattern next year as they have in years past whereby they raise the issue from time to time as a single issue. I believe the issue is much broader than simply the age of consent. It was my intention that, throughout the course of next year, I would pursue the matter and put an alternative point of view ...

Mr Bailey: No one will believe you, Mike.

Mr REED: ... for the consideration of the public. If no one believes me, as the member for Wanguri interjects, that is his concern, not mine. The public may not believe me, but that is for them to determine. The fact is that I have used the practice that I employed on this occasion many times in the past. In pursuing particular issues and my outspoken views on drug addicts and homosexuality - not that I wanted to be emotive about this matter - or the heroin ...

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: Madam Speaker, in pursuit of those matters, I wish to be fully informed, unlike members opposite who, when they come into this House to debate an issue, have no knowledge of the background details of matters under discussion. I have been to methadone clinics and I have been to places frequented by drug addicts. I have been to the AIDS shops which deal with these people and provide services for them. I have obtained things like ‘fix kits’ that contain syringes. If I had been found walking around with one of those in a bag, I dare say I would have been accused by the Labor Party of being a drug addict!

Let us focus on this very important issue that is of concern to people in the community. It was my intention, and still is, to pursue this matter throughout the course of 1998 and to provide information to parents in the community to allow them to be aware of the kind of pressures that can be brought to bear on young kids. Indeed, it is something that should concern members opposite.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016