Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 2000-10-12

In August, I uncovered a thick oily sludge sometimes up to a metre deep pooling around the base of government-owned tanks at Stokes Hill just 100 metres from the harbour. Independent assessment of the sludge found, and I quote ‘Analysis shows the sample to consist mainly of hydrogen carbons. This range equates to kerosene, dieseline and light to medium weight lubricating oil’.

It goes on to say: ‘Release of the sludge to the environment would be considered potentially fatal to aquatic life in the immediate vicinity. Considerable aesthetic damage would also be encountered and widespread dispersion of the material by wind and tide is likely’. I seek leave to table the document.

Leave granted.

Mr HENDERSON: This waste oil represents a significant threat to the harbour and is still being dumped. In light of the independent evidence will you immediately stop the dumping of waste oil at Stokes Hill and will you tell taxpayers just how much the clean-up of the site has cost them so far?


Mr Speaker, once again Labor is trying to deceive Territorians in this issue and I thought it was explained at last sittings. Let’s put it into the context. This is an unused old oil storage tank at Stokes Hill …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: This is the one he is referring to. Now, have you been there? This is your member talking about this.

… that had some remnant sludge in the bottom of the tank. The tank is actually open. The inspection hole was actually open. So, around these tanks are bungs designed to take any sort of spillage or creepage into special traps designed to ensure that any remnant oils do not go further than that entrapment process. That site has been cleaned up. The remnant oil that was there was a very old type of oil. It has not proceeded beyond those traps.

Mr Henderson: What about the oil that is still being dumped there?

Mr BALDWIN: Oil that is still being dumped there? Now, I won’t believe you because the last time you did this, you got it all wrong. You said that one of the things ...

Members interjecting.

Mr BALDWIN: The last time he raised this issue, the member for Wanguri said I had stopped all of the media going there, and I actually stood here and invited the media to come. In fact, not one rang me to say could we please go up there and have a look. You cannot believe this side of the House. The remnant spillage that was there from an old, disused tank has been cleaned up and that is the end of it. I would ask the member for Wanguri to get his facts right in the future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016