Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr POOLE - 1999-11-24

With the Christmas/New Year period almost upon us, the attention of Territorians will soon be turned to the issue of drink-driving and staying safe on our road. The Department of Health, Family and Children’s Services has taken a leading role in community education in the past. I ask the minister to outline any initiatives that will be taken by his department over the upcoming holiday period.


Mr Speaker, the Living with Alcohol program has been going now for about a decade. It has been one of those programs where we have attempted to modify the behaviour of individuals. This is a difficult thing to quantify and it requires some very accurate measuring devices to have a look at whether we are being successful or not.

One of the measuring devices I believe we can use is the crude device of fatalities on roads. Last Christmas there were nil fatalities over the period on Territory roads. On New Year’s Eve in Alice Springs, the random breath-testing stations did not find anybody who had been drinking. I think that shows a remarkable change from Territory behaviour of some 20 years ago.

I do not put it all down to Living with Alcohol. There has been heightened community awareness of behaviours to do with drink-driving and there are a variety of initiatives that are in hand. I think the TV campaigns we’re running, with quite graphic ads about road carnage, have some impact. We’re also putting out advice about planning ahead - if you’re going to drink, plan not to take your car, or if groups are going out drinking, nominate a ‘Sober Bob’.

At lunchtime today, I’ll be launching the new Sober Bob campaign just across the road at the Blue Heeler Bar. We’ll be renovating the campaign that started in 1997 and has been very successful. Liquor outlets provide free soft drinks to nominated drivers, who get a card to identify themselves when they enter the premises. Some 80 licensed premises across the Territory are contributing to this campaign.

I think the industry should be applauded because it’s playing a very vital role. The ‘Drink Sense’ campaign which is run largely through hotels and liquor outlets is, I think, starting to bite.

I take this opportunity to thank those employees of the Department of Transport and Works who have rostered themselves on for service on New Year’s Night when others are out clamouring to have a good time. The Territory’s bus services will be ferrying people to and from locations to encourage people to leave their cars at home.

I think all of these initiatives will play a large role in combating the mortality and morbidity problems that exist around Australia at about this time. I urge members to drink in moderation, as I would the community over this period. And if you’re going to drink, don’t drive.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016