Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-12-01

Madam Speaker,I seek leave to table a copy of an article from the NT News dated 14 May 1993.

Leave granted.

Mrs HICKEY: I refer the Chief Minister to the quote from Mr Gary Nairn, who was at that time the Country Liberal Party president and is now a federal member of parliament. The article is about speculation the Country Liberal Party had been conducting opinion polling. It was written just 3 weeks after Cowdy and Textor’s research was completed. The article reads: ‘Mr Nairn said the party had not conducted any qualitative polling recently’. Will the Chief Minister admit this is further proof that the research on the standing of himself and his colleagues was exclusively paid for by taxpayers?


What a long bow that is, Madam Speaker, to rely on a report in the NT News of a comment made by the then president of the CLP as proof that taxpayers were paying for party political polls! I can’t find any party political polling in what you have tabled this morning.I can find comments on policy issues, I can find comments on individuals - except you, no one knew who you were. There is no voting intention in the material you have put before the parliament. So how can you get up and say that the CLP …

Mrs Hickey: The last page

Mr STONE: Well, that is a conclusion that somebody has drawn.

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: You can laugh, but …

Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Mr STONE: That is an example of political polling - ALP, CLP percentages. This hasn’t got any of that. I hope that those who have an interest in this will take the time to actually read this document which has not been authenticated - that’s No 1. No 2 is that it canvasses a range of issues that are properly the domain of government. No 3, it does not demonstrate that there was any percentage party political polling undertaken.

If this is the best you can do, you are wasting Question Time. We have important issues that we would like to talk about, including jobs and growth and doing things out there. The one thing that Territorians do say consistently about you lot is that all you ever do is knock and criticise. You never come up with a constructive policy on anything. You are, based on your own research, poorly led and not fit to govern.

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: 18-7!

Ms Martin: You little arrogant man.

Mr STONE: 18-7, 18-7, 18-7!

Ms Martin: It doesn’t change your being an arrogant little man.

Mr STONE: 18-7, 18-7!

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016