Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-02-24

As many Territorians know, recreational fishing is a particularly popular pastime in the Top End of the Northern Territory. As the population grows, there is obviously increasing pressure for access to new locations to ensure that there is not too much pressure placed on any specific location by over-fishing. Can the minister please advise this House what steps the government might be taking to provide increased access to new locations for recreational fishermen?


Mr Speaker, it is very positive news for Territorians, particularly those Territorians - and there are many of them – who enjoy fishing in Territory waters. I am delighted to be able to announce the construction of additional boat ramps into our rivers and coastal systems this year.

This government has a fantastic record, probably second to none in Australia, of providing access to recreational fishermen who come here to enjoy our landscape and some of the unique fish species that are available in our Territory waters. We get praise from all round the world in this regard, from fishing journalists and so on.

As I said, there are a number of new boat ramps this year and I will mention some of them:

Construction of a boat ramp at Roper River No. 1 landing, estimated cost $56 000;

Construction of a boat ramp at the existing launch site at Roper Bar, estimated cost of $17 000; and

Upgrading the existing boat ramp on the Lower Roper River, estimated cost of $46 000.

The member for Arnhem might be very interested in those particular ones and if he does get down there he will be able to tell his constituents about that new access to the Roper River, that being a very popular fishing area in the Katherine region.

The program will also include the construction of a boat ramp and access road to the Finniss River opposite the Bynoe Haven area at a cost of over $100 000. We are also investigating a variety of locations for future construction. This is a program that the government has been running now for 3 years. A total of $860 000 has been allocated to provide better access to Territorians for these fishing locations and we are very proud of the work we do to provide that better access. My department is actively working with other agencies on issues like road access and land issues to be able to better provide that access in the future. I commend them and I hope Territorians do utilise this better access that will be available by the end of this dry season.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016