Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 1998-12-02

The Larapinta Trail in central Australia is becoming recognised as one of the finest examples of walking trails in the world. Are there any further plans in relation to the trail?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for taking an interest in this trail and the project that’s about to go ahead. I can inform the member and the House that work has begun on the next section of the trail, stages 5 and 6. They will be completed out of some $200 000 funding in this year’s budget.

For members’ information, stages 5 and 6 are 12 km and 38 km respectively, a total of 50 km. They pass through the areas of Stuarts Pass, Hugh Gorge and Hugh River as far as Ellery Big Hole. In the past 6 years, 8 sections in all of the Larapinta Trail have been completed. The funding of these 2 sections leaves only one more section to complete.

The works announced today will allow for the provision also of interpretive shelters, signs along the trail and 4 new brochures and maps to be produced detailing these new areas. Already 153 km of the Larapinta Trail is available for walking. When all 13 sections are completed, there will be a 250 km walking trail that takes us from Alice Springs Telegraph Station right out to Mt Razorback. The chance to walk that sort of distance, through spectacular scenery that takes into account the arid region, is rare. As the member said, it is one of the greatest walking trails in the world. It is already attracting national and international attention. By the end of October this year, sections 1, 2 and 3 had recorded 1060 visitors. That’s a very conservative figure because there are not a lot of walking counters. We will be installing a lot more of those.

In closing, I advise members also that camping areas for walkers on section 2 at Simpson’s Gap are being relocated and upgraded, and that conventional vehicle access to Wallaby Gap on section 1 has also been upgraded to allow for more convenient use of the trail for those wishing to have short-walk visitation. I commend the work that has been done down there by Parks and Wildlife. Indeed this is an international attraction that is a great asset for Alice Springs. Once again, I thank the member for his interest.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016