Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1998-06-16

On radio this morning, he told the listening public that there was no responsibility on his part for the sinking of the port because it is a design-and-construct project. Why did the Country Liberal Party government decide that the new port structure should be built using landfill and not a pier structure, and is he able to table an objective and scientifically-based recommendation that supported the landfill option?


Madam Speaker, I am not sure where the honourable member obtained that question or who wrote it for her. This involved a design-and-construct contract. We had people who sought expert advice on the type of structure that would best suit that area. Consultants worked for us who analysed the various design-and-construct proposals that came to us. The member asked why a pier structure was not used. Does she consider piles - not haemorrhoids - to be acceptable in this case? Piles were driven into the rock in that area.

I would like to talk later with the member about where she obtained her information and why she thinks there is a problem in that regard. There is no problem in terms of landfill. The construction problems being experienced at the port at the moment have nothing to do with landfill. I have spoken to the head of the joint venture. The lead company in the joint venture is Barclay Mowlem Construction, with Thiess and Westham. Of course, Westham was involved solely in the dredging of the new port. It believes that its technical report will be available to it early in July, and it will come back to us soon after that and discuss with us the rectification of those problems that currently exist at the port.

I have done nothing to hide the fact that the wharf is sinking. In fact, I advised honourable members at the last sittings that that was the case. Our own consultants have been working on this particular problem. I do not intend to table that report either. We will sit down ...

Ms Martin: What about an accountable government, Barry? Come on!

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Fannie Bay, listen to the answer.

Mr COULTER: We will sit down with the contractors in early to mid-July and determine how to rectify the problems. We have sought advice from QCs and, as I said, from various engineering consultants, should litigation be necessary. However, I assure honourable members that the contractors wish to settle this situation as quickly as possible in order that the wharf may be handed over to us in the manner designed. I do not see it being of real difficulty, in terms of it being a construction problem of the kind that the member for Fannie Bay ...

Ms Martin: You are trying to sort it out? Come on!

Mr COULTER: What are you saying?

Ms Martin: I am saying you should table the evidence you have.

Mr COULTER: Madam Speaker, I am happy to provide a briefing to the member or to do whatever is needed if she is interested in this matter. However, I urge her not to allow her colleagues to wind her up with the idea that there is a particular problem because landfill was used instead of a pier structure, as she mentioned in her question.

Ms Martin: We are trying to explore what is happening.

Mr COULTER: I mean, that ain’t an issue. Do you understand that?

Ms Martin: It is none of our business - is that what you are saying? It is not Territorians’ business?

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Fannie Bay, you are not listening.

Mr COULTER: Of course, it is some of your business. I am offering the opportunity ...

Ms Martin interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Fannie Bay, you are on a warning. You are not listening to the minister, you are talking.

Mr COULTER: Madam Speaker, the member reminds me of the old story about the fellow who had not spoken to his mother-in-law for 3 years. Someone commented that that was a bit rude, but he said: ‘No, I was taught never to interrupt when somebody is speaking’. That is the problem members opposite have.

I have offered the member a briefing to try to educate her a little. As I said to her once before, I buy her books again and again, and all she does is sit down and chew the backs off them. However, I am prepared to provide her with a full briefing on the issues at the port.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Minister, please wind up your answer.

Mr COULTER: Madam Speaker, I assure the honourable member that piers versus landfill is not one of the issues that we are seriously concerned about.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016